Famous talk show host Joy Behar started her career in show business in the early 1980s. The name Joe Behar came from her ex-husband’s last name, but their union was not able to bring happiness to Joy. In 1982, she finally found the love of her life, Steve Janowitz, who is a retired American school teacher. Although they chose to get married in 2011, they spent 29 years in the marriage (even canceled an engagement) until they finally got married.
Joy replied that the reason she married after 29 years together was that she didn’t want any in-laws. Joking or not, their relationship has proved to be one of the strongest in the entertainment world! Joy currently co-hosts the popular ABC daytime talk show, The View. Joy’s budding career as a TV host to multiple shows must have provided her daughter Eve and grandson Luca a house with a state-of-the-art home security system!