The unique technique they used to identify the babies.

One of the biggest challenges Andy and Sarah had to face, was how to tell such identical looking babies apart. That’s on top of trying to fix their schedules in order to properly care for each child. So, what did they do in order to differentiate one baby from the other?
Well, the couple painted each baby’s toe nails with a different color. They used this method until the babies started to develop distinctive characteristics that made it much easier. Even for parents, it can sometimes be difficult to tell twins apart. How much more if there are five under one roofing?

After their story went viral, something amazing happened.

Naturally, the miraculous story of the Justice family picked up traction online and quickly went viral. It first gained massive attention on Facebook where it was shared by thousands of people globally. As time went on, even more people grew interested in the family and their lives. More people wanted to learn more about their lives and hear of news about the children’s growth.
However, just as things within the family felt as if they were finally starting to calm down, something unexpected, but no less magical happened. Looks like they’ll be using their investment money for buying a larger van!

Sarah was pregnant again.

When their story first went viral, the children had already grown into toddlers. It was at this point that young family received news that would, yet again, change the course of their lives forever.
Sarah discovered that she was pregnant again. Though it felt overwhelming for everyone at first, the family was no less delighted to hear the news of her pregnancy. They took on the new challenge graciously. After all, they’ve had plenty of practice! In 2016, Sarah welcomed her sixth child. Because of the help and support they were receiving, the Justices were able to maintain a good credit score despite extra expenses.

Their new challenge was to prepare for their sixth child.

The five children were already around two years old when their parents found out that a sixth child was one the way. After taking care of their first set of babies, their sixth one felt as if it was going to be a piece of cake. They have had plenty of experience, of course.
But, as any parent knows, having children is a journey in itself and it does not matter how many you’ve got. The Justice’s prioritized protecting their children and made sure they had a good home security system. But they were also beginning to encounter other new challenges.

Things started to get a bit hectic for Sarah and Andy.

Having eight people—six of which are children—under one home can get pretty crazy. What makes it more difficult is that their kids weren’t born that far apart, so they couldn’t help around the house yet as they were still too young.
However, this didn’t seem to be an issue for the new parents. They still managed to spend a lot of family time together, despite working and trying to care for five toddles and one newborn. The couple would make investments towards future vacations for the entire family to enjoy even if it might get difficult to keep track of everyone.

When the first five kids became toddlers, things got busy in the Justices’ home.

Sarah and Andy welcomed their youngest son in 2016 and named him Caleb. While Caleb was still a newborn, Sarah and Andy had less to worry about when it came to their older children, they had already completed their potty training at this point and were also becoming more independent.
As the five children could be given a bit of responsibility around the house, it was a huge relief for the couple since they can now focus on raising their youngest. Their other children were nearing four years old and the couple had likely begun thinking about student loans for when the kids get older.

Parenthood was a dream come true for Sarah and Andy.

Raising six young kids may seem overwhelming, but Sarah and Andy saw this as their prayers being answered and their dreams coming true.
In an interview with Babyology in 2016, Sarah said that having six children was a dream come true for them. “When you wait for something you appreciate it that much more when you get it,” Sarah said. Through the years, the couple followed strict money management to manage Sarah’s treatments and that didn’t stop even after they were already raising all six children. Despite the long wait and all of the difficulties, the couple still felt blessed.

Transitioning to toddler beds became a new challenge.

Children tend to grow up fast and from using cribs, the first five kids were soon ready for their own toddler beds. “Having five in toddler beds is an adventure. But we are getting there,” Sarah told Babyology.
The couple had other challenges, too, such as helping the kids adjust to sleeping on a new bed without guard rails. They worried about them rolling off the bed or sneaking out of the bed at night instead of sleeping. Even if they knew it would be challenging, the couple were ready. And so they purchased their first toddler beds, using their credit cards.

The Justices had to develop a routine for their family.

Raising six children at once is not a walk in the park. But how did Sarah and Andy manage? Simple—they had to be very organized. Sarah and Andy had to plan out their entire day ahead and they had to commit to a schedule.
Fixing a schedule is crucial. If done right, it makes keeping track of everyone easier. In the morning, the family goes for a walk, then afterwards they go on playdates with friends or relatives. In the evening, the family does chores together. The couple didn’t have to take online classes on parenting—they really nailed the job from the get-go!

Potty training the toddlers was the most difficult challenge.

Sarah and Andy ran across a lot of problems as they were raising their kids. But none was more difficult than having them go through potty training. “Potty breaks are a big part of our day when you have five children at the same life stage,” Sarah said about the process.
This can be a little stressful for the parents and the children. With five children running around, it’s likely that an accident or two might occur. Nevertheless, Sarah and Andy did well. And the kids, too, even if they didn’t have to go through any online classes for it.
