Jon Bon Jovi And Dorothea Hurley – 33 YEARS

Jon Bon Jovi is one rockstar who goes against the stereotype. Despite huge crowds and followers, Jon has his eyes and heart to only one woman, and that is Dorothea Hurley, his high school sweetheart. Their love story is not very extraordinary, but how they managed to stay together is what makes it special. Jon and Dorothea met back in their teenage years in high school. Initially, Dorothea is dating Jon’s friend, but they got close eventually, and things got cozy when Dorothea became single.

They began dating when they reached their 20s, and in 1989, the two eloped in Las Vegas. Dorothea lives a private life despite being married to one of the hottest rock stars in the ‘90s. They raised four children together and have a happy family life despite Jon always being away on tours. He credits Dorothea for filling in for him, and likewise, he makes sure to be there for them as much as he could. Now the couple is celebrating their 33th year of marriage.
