Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler’s incredible flexibility attracts people’s loud laughs while also warming their hearts. Growing up as an active adolescent with a passion for music and humor, the youngster struggled academically but excelled at amusing others. Sandler had always been the class clown at Manchester Central High School, but he hadn’t given much thought to turning his talent of humor into a career.

Until his brother, Scott urged him to do a spontaneous show at Boston’s Stitches Comedy Club. Adam realized he had a lot of potential in the field, so he went to New York University. Sandler began honing his comedic skills by performing shows wherever possible, whether in local clubs or just at colleges. After earning his degree in 1991, he decided to embark on a career in the entertainment sector. Since then, Sandler has risen to be one of the most prominent comedic performers Hollywood has ever seen.
